Fraction To Decimal Odds Conversion

Our Odds Converter will convert Decimal odds, American odds and Fractional odds into your chosen odds format. Enter the Decimal odds, American odds or Fractional odds you wish to convert and our Odds Converter will do the work for you. Decimal odds will be converted to the nearest standard American or Fractional equivalent. The Betrescue Odds Converter table converts decimal odds to fractional odds and vice version. Use our odds conversion table. The simple formular to convert from fraction odds to decimal is to divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) and add 1. The 1 represents the returned stake which is included in the decimal odds but not in the fraction odds. Example 1: Odds of 2/1, will be 2 divided by 1, which gives 2, then add 1 equals 3. For example, when you use an odds converter to convert decimal 1.33 you get 1/3 fractional and -300 american but if you convert 1/3 to american you might see -303.03.

  1. Converting Fractions To Decimals Worksheets
  2. Decimal To Fraction Chart
  3. How To Change Fractions To Decimals
  4. Fraction To Decimal Odds Conversion Chart

Understanding how betting odds work is a vital skill topossess if you want to make a consistent profit from your betting activities.

In the United Kingdom and Europe, the two most prevalenttype of betting odds are fractional and decimal, both of which produce the sameresult.

Most traditional bookmakers have historically usedfractional odds, while decimal odds tend to be found on betting exchanges.

Read on as we show you howbetting odds work and help you get to grips with the differences betweenfractional and decimal prices.

Fractional Odds

Fractional odds have their roots in horse racing in the UKand Ireland, with most bookmakers using them to display prices for each race.

These types of odds have also been used across the sportingspectrum and show how much profit a bettor will make against their stake iftheir selection is successful.

In simple terms, the number on the right of the fraction isthe amount you must stake to win the figure on the left.

For instance, a £1 stake on a horse to win a race at odds of2/1 would return a £2 profit if it finishes first. The punter would thereforereceive £3 (£1 stake + £2 profit).

Decimal Odds

The launch of betting exchanges sparked a change in the wayodds are displayed, with decimals used to show the prices on offer for eachevent.

Decimal odds are generally displayed to two decimal places,so if you place a £10 bet at odds of 3.50 your return would be £35 (£10 stake x3.50 = £35).

Although it may take a while for punters more familiar withfractional odds to understand decimal odds, they are a little easier tounderstand.

As opposed to displaying the profit you make on your stake,they convey the exact return you would receive if a selection is successful.

Converting Fractional to Decimal Odds

To convert fractional odds to decimal, you must divide thefirst figure by the second figure and then add 1.00.

For instance, fractional odds of 11/4 is 11 divided by fourwhich equals 2.75. If you add 1.00, you are left with decimal odds of 3.75.

Fraction to decimal odds conversion chart

Using the same odds, if you place a £4 bet at fractionalodds of 11/4 and your selection is successful your return would be £15 (£4stake + £11 profit = £15).

Converting Fractions To Decimals Worksheets

Placing a £4 bet at decimal odds of 3.75 also returns £15(£4 stake x 3.75 = £15) if your selection wins its particular event.

Converting Decimal Odds to Fractional

It is worth noting that not all decimal odds translate tofractional odds that are recognisable as the ones used traditionally in bettingmarkets.

For instance, if you have decimal odds of 1.80 this equatesto fractional odds of 4/5, but if the price shortens to 1.74, this equates to astrange-looking 37/50.

This anomaly is due to the traditional nature of thefractions used by bookmakers, which weren’t to the same full scale found indecimal odds.

This method allowed bookies to build an additional profitmargin into their books and shave extra value off the prices they offered topunters.

Using Odds Conversion Tools

There are numerous online sites which offer punters thechance to convert odds easily using innovative betting tools.

These often have four fields – fractional odds, decimalodds, American odds and implied probability (percentage).

To use an odds converter, enter a value into any field and itwill automatically convert the odds into all of the other formats.

Using an odds convertor is a great way to take the hassleout of calculating odds, particularly if the betting site you visit displaysthem in a way you are unfamiliar with.

Converting Fractional odds to Decimal – The Final Word


If you have a simple grasp of mathematics, it is extremely easyto convertfractional odds into decimals.

However, if the numbers involved leave you feeling baffled,the following chart will help!

Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal Fraction Decimal
1/5 1.20 5/4 2.25 5/1 6.00
2/9 1.22 11/8 2.38 11/2 6.50
1/4 1.25 7/5 2.40 6/1 7.00
2/7 1.29 6/4 2.50 13/2 7.50
3/10 1.30 8/5 2.60 7/1 8.00
1/3 1.33 13/8 2.63 15/2 8.50
4/11 1.36 7/4 2.75 8/1 9.00
2/5 1.40 9/5 2.80 17/2 9.50
4/9 1.45 15/8 2.86 9/1 10.00
1/2 1.50 2/1 3.00 10/1 11.00
8/15 1.53 11/5 3.20 11/1 12.00
4/7 1.57 9/4 3.25 12/1 13.00
8/13 1.62 12/5 3.40 13/1 14.00
4/6 1.66 5/2 3.50 14/1 15.00
8/11 1.72 13/5 3.60 15/1 16.00
4/5 1.80 11/4 3.75 16/1 17.00
5/6 1.83 3/1 4.00 18/1 19.00
10/11 1.91 10/3 4.33 20/1 21.00
Evens 2.00 7/2 4.50 25/1 26.00
11/10 2.10 4/1 5.00 33/1 34.00
6/5 2.20 9/2 5.50 100/1 101.00

Convert odds between American, Decimal, and Fractional format using simple odds conversion formulas. Or, skip the math and use the odds converter instead!

Decimal to Fractional

Fraction To Decimal Odds Conversion

Remove 1 from the decimal and convert to a fraction, then reduce to simplest form:

(decimal-1) -> convert to fraction


1.75: 1.75 – 1 = .75 = 75/100 = 3/4
2.20: 2.20 – 1 = 1.20 = 120/100 = 6/5

Decimal to American

To convert a decimal of 2.00 or higher:

moneyline = (decimal – 1) *100


Convert the following fraction to a decimal

2.00: (2.00 – 1)*100 = 1*100 = +100
3.35: (3.35 – 1)*100 = 2.35*100 = +235

To convert a decimal of less than 2.00:

moneyline = (-100) / (decimal -1)


1.9091 : (-100)/(1.9091 – 1) = (-100)/(0.9091) = -109.99 = -110
1.6579 : (-100)/(1.6579 – 1) = (-100)/(0.6579) = -151.98 = -152

Fractional to American

Over 1/1: Convert Fraction to Decimal and multiply by 100.

Moneyline = (fraction value)*100


7/4: (7/4) * 100 = (1.40) * 100 = +140
6/5: (6/5) * 100 = (1.20) * 100 = +120

Under 1/1: divide -100 by the Fraction as a Decimal.

Moneyline = -100/(fraction value)


1/4: -100/(1/4) = -100/.25 = -400
1/10: -100/(1/10) = -100/.1 = -1000

Fractional to Decimal

Convert the fraction to a decimal and add one.


3/4: (3/4) + 1 = (.75) + 1 = 1.75
6/5: (6/5) + 1 = (1.20) + 1 = 2.20

American to Decimal

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and add 1.

decimal = (moneyline/100) +1


+100: (100/100) + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2.00
+235: (235/100) + 1 = 2.35 + 1 = 3.35

Negative Odds (“-“): Divide 100 by the moneyline, then add this value to 1.00.

decimal = (100/moneyline) + 1


-110: (100/110) +1 = 1 + 0.9091 = 1.9091
-152: (100/152) +1 = 1 + 0.6579 = 1.6579

American to Fractional

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and reduce to simplest form

(moneyline/100) -> simplest form


+120: (120/100) = 6/5
+250: (250/100) = 5/2

Negative Odds (“-“): Divide 100 by the moneyline and reduce to simplest form

(100/moneyline) -> simplest form


-120: (100/120) = 5/6
-300: (100/300) = 1/3

Odds Converter

Decimal To Fraction Chart

Skip the math and easily convert odds between Fractional, Decimal and American format:

How To Change Fractions To Decimals

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Fraction To Decimal Odds Conversion Chart

Want to learn more? Read this full article on betting odds conversion.